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Progress Of Sorts On The Wild Flower Meadow Boarders.

After last winter, and the persistent rain we had, I never imagined that I would be wishing, and scanning the weather forecasts for rain! I have followed wild flower meadow sowing instructions to the letter, however what I haven’t been able to organize is the rain.

Just after sowing the wildflower grass and flower mix on our newly landscaped beds, we had some damp weather and also a cold snap- perfect! Some species of wildflower need a cold snap to geminate.

However, I had no idea how little rain we would get. The garden is detached from the cottage by a small walk way and unfortunately for me we do not have a garden hose. It means a number of trips back and forth with large bottles and watering cans.

This is, I'm afraid not very effective, it’s a huge area of meadow we trying to grow.

Last week on my one essential trip, my first thing to check was the garden. My heart sunk. Barely anything seemed to be growing and the ground was dry and cracked. Is this going to scupper my chances of creating my wildflower meadow boarders that I've worked so hard on over winter?

Looking closer however there are some really promising patches. The area under the baby weeping willow is doing really well, benefitting from the extra watering that the tree was getting. There are other patches doing surprisingly well in the dry soil too.

At last this week there has been some descent rain followed by warm and damp conditions. I'm hoping this will really get the meadow going. Luckily, I have some left over wild flower seeds so if in two weeks it looks like we have bear patches then I can sow some more if the weather conditions look promising.

A fantastic wild flower meadow was always going to take time to grow and establish, so while I'm still hopeful to have a lovely display this summer, I have another opportunity to sow seeds come the autumn for flowers next year.

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